Anton Kopásek
Anton KOPÁSEK was administrator of the parish in Kysucky Lieskovec (* 1926 - † 2004) He was housed in a private house of Ondrej and Jolana Jakubcová. He managed the completion of the parish building. Building permission from January 29, 1970 began construction of the parish building at the end of April 1970. Most of the work was done by the believer for free. After its completion (at the end of June 1971) and its acceptance, it was handed over to 02.12.1971. Parish administrator Anton KOPÁSK moved into it with his mother. Anton KOPÁSEK worked in the parish for thirty years (from July 1, 1969 to June 30, 1999). On July 1, 1999, it was replaced by
vdp. Mgr. Jozef HOLKA